Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hehe...Yesterday I went camping with my neighbors. I roasted marshmellows, made smores, stopped a ten year old from gutting the other little kids with his pocket knife...Yeah...Anyway, it gave me the opportunity to reflect on how being outdoors away from technology and the hustle of everyday life can really give people a chance to bond and reflect on themselves.The kid with the pocket knife and I go way back. He and my siblings (bless their hearts...) got into this huge rivalry (which got slightly better after I yelled at him). Last night, however, my sister, him, and I were sitting around the campfire joking and laughing. His exact words were, "I never knew your family could be this much fun!"See what I mean about the bonding?I also made some new friends. Eleven of them. Guess how many were human?.

Guessed it? Two of them. The rest were made up of the following:Eight frogs...and a salamander.Which are all now residing in my bedroom.Hell yes. I'm awesome.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Worldwide Love

I wrote this at three in the morning. I think I write a lot better when I am sleepy. However, it comes across as sounding too...flowery (no that term does NOT mean sweet) when I read it back to me.

There is a fire raging in me that I cannot extinguish. Until now, that merciless fire was a curse, a constant reminder that something about me was....irregular (It’s quite unbecoming that seeing what’s more than on the surface makes one irregular in our society). As a child, this confusion led to many reckless escapades and the gradual understanding that, no matter how hard I tried, I could not view things the way others did.

Even as a child, I had an irrepressible thirst for knowledge and adventure. Being acknowledged as someone special was important to me, but it soon became clear to me that I was not having fun for myself – I developed a vague understanding that one must give happiness to receive it. The anger that took over (the fire I suppose) when I saw someone unhappy ate at my nerves, and I made it my goal, by the 3rd grade, to make everyone happy. My mentality has always been that I can do anything if I try hard enough; this way of thinking is my biggest strength...and weakness.

I was warned by various people that no good could come from such a goal, but I was, and still am, extremely stubborn. If I wanted it to happen, it would happen. That explains why I was beyond crushed when I was ridiculed by so many for being kind. Evidently, I could not hang with anyone of my choosing and be an honor student at the same time; I could not freely speak my mind and talk for hours. Someone made individuality a bad thing and forgot to tell me.

Due to the fact that I really did love everybody and was sure that everybody loved me, I was utterly confused when a girl I was randomly partnered with pushed me in front of the class when the teacher was not looking.

After getting everyone’s attention she screamed at me, “Shut up you weirdo. Don’t you understand; nobody cares what you have to say.”

That day the fire inside of me was calmed down by my tears.

‘Why didn’t anyone help me?’ I wondered. ‘Why is everyone laughing?’

It was the mere thought that I hadn’t made a difference in anyone’s life that kept me silent after that event. Sure, I still talked, but I watched my words carefully to make sure I didn’t ‘mess up’ again. I had never cared so much about being humiliated in my life.

By the 8th grade, I had grown a strong hatred of the world and everyone in it. My fire had come back full force, except this time I had every intention to burn anyone who got too close. Fortunately, I could not keep up this charade forever. As much as I hated myself for it, I still loved everybody, even those I greatly despised.

Everything I do – from volunteering any where I can to befriending those who need love the most – is a way for me to show my infatuation for everybody in this world.

Nothing matters more to me than seeing a smile on somebody’s face because of something I’ve done. I only ask that people heed my message well because there really is no greater pleasure than making a difference, no matter how trivial you think that difference may be.

Now you have something of an insight into my life and why I am the way I am (although there is MUCH more about my life that I prefer to keep hidden forever). If you liked what you read, I'd appreciate it if you voted for it at this link. Doing that could help me get more well known.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"There's something wrong with the world today/The lightbulb's getting dim"

I think that maybe LW's last post rubbed off on me as far as a serious topic goes. Heh. But today's featured rant is: school. The evil monstrosity that is public school. Well, not quite. But you get what I'm saying... :/

First off, I want to talk about my school's despicable math books. At my school, the math book we use is called CMIC, or Contemporary Mathematics in Context. I have it memorized from screaming it in agony in my nightmares. The book is full of made up math concepts, with made up names that are basically irrelevant to everyday life in every way. It is like the most retarded math book you could ever use. I have pretty much not learned anything from it. Really and truly. And I'm a good student; even though I'm not the greatest in math, I'm fully capable when it is taught correctly, and, you know, when the things I'm learning ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE. Yeah it definitely helps to understand what I'm supposed to learn. I mean, really, it goes on and on and on about stupid crap like friggin matrices. Like it has entire chapters dedicated to this stupid matrix things and how to multiply them and whatever.. What?! Are you joking me? Look at the rest of the world, every person in the work force today. Running our country, etc. How much do you want to bet that NOT single one of them knows how to multiply a freaking matrix. I mean really. (Unless it directly relates to their work, obviously). Most adults I've told about this math book don't even know what a matrix is. O_o Seriously. Last year, I had a really good teacher and she didn't teach directly from the book as she realized herself that the book stuff didn't make any sense so she'd translate it per se for us, you know make work sheets separate from the book and all. And guess what. I actually LEARNED something last year. It was amazing! I was so happy. The year before, we worked directly out of the book and I nearly ended the year with a C+. Which if you know me that is like /really/ bad. The questions are vague and the book doesn't explain the concepts very well at all. It is completely ridiculous. It's great to know that one day when my entire generation is running this country we'll all know how to multiply a coupla matrices but we'll have no idea how to like make change or whatever. Isn't that promising? (I should clarify that the matrix thing isn't the only thing out of the books that is totally pointless to learn; it's just the main thing I remember, as I try to forget because I hate it so much). It worked perfectly to teach math, just basic plain math. We don't need clever background stories to put the stupid concepts into something concrete. 2+2=4. Don't beat around the bush.

Second of all, why in the WORLD do I need to take a freaking art class? Let's put it out there on the table: I am the world's worst drawer. Also, whatever I do for a career and go to college for and get a degree WILL NOT have ANYTHING to do with art, trust me. So. Please explain to me WHY the stupid school is FORCING me for take a whole year of retarded art classes. I mean really. That is helpful knowledge. There are like 5 other classes I would RATHER take but can't. Because to graduate from my school and go to a 4 year college at least, you have so many requirements right? That includes 1 year of art (if I recall correctly). It's good to know that the stupid administration or whoever is making me waste my time with an art class I don't even care about but have to pass in order to keep my GPA up and that has nothing to do with the rest of my life.So it's definitely helping me, right? Oh, yeah. totally. I just hate art. Like I signed up for photography, which counts as art obviously, and then my second choice was calligraphy; both of which don't require the stupid "principles of art" basic art class or whatever as a prerequisite, which is the whole point that I signed up for those classes because I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to take that basic art class. But it just so happens (of course, this is my luck) both of those classes are senior classes, meaning seniors get first pick, juniors get next pick and sophomores get last pick. Yeah. So joy for me I probably won't get in and they'll probably make me take that wretched art class. :( Granted, I don't know any of this for sure yet as I have not yet received my schedule for this year. I'm more just worrying about it. A lot. Mostly the point of this rant was just that I think it's stupid that we have to waste our time and waste our education with stupid classes that aren't even relevant to our intended careers or whatever.

I guess this all sounds pretty anti-authority or whatever (I have once been called that, yesh *rolls eyes*), but I really don't intend it that way. I just hate stupidity. I detest it. And a lot of school administrators(etc) are very stupid. The public school system is, I think, corrupt in some ways. School is very important to me, as it's the only thing I have going for me. I really don't like school, not at all. I despise school. But education is important, and when it is wasted or done wrong, nothing good comes of that. Obviously. And it needs to be fixed. Don't even get me started on the stupid standardized testing. Oh gawd. I shall save THAT rant for my next blog (if I remember). ;D

Yours truly,
Colorful Cameo :P

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nerd Pride!

Nerd Pride!

Today’s ‘magical’ question: Why come nerds on television (and in real life for that matter) aren’t ever happy that they are intelligent and different?

I’m not very fond of labels (mostly upset that we live in a world full of generalizations), but I’ve been too pissed at nerds lately to NOT rant about them. Sure, being popular may seem important, but I’m tired of smart people doing stupid sh*t to be superficially popular. Don’t people know the definition of popular?

Popular: Regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general.

And there you have it. You’re popular as long as you’re generally well known. That doesn’t mean you have to become a slut or a conceited bigot; all you have to do is get WELL KNOWN (which isn’t very important. In my opinion, all you need is a few people to care about you. Life is a lot easier when no one knows you…trust me).

Maybe I should rewind and rightfully explain the reason behind this rant. First off, please bear with me when I say ‘you.’ I was taught in English class to not use second person in persuasive essays (a more organized rant), but I figure that the person reading can easily disregard the ‘you’ if it doesn’t pertain to them. I hope that you can do that for me. Anyway, I wanted to talk about nerds because I was watching this Lifetime movie (my cousin refuses to watch anything but Lifetime) where this extremely intelligent (book wise) girl decides, “Wow, I want to be just like the school slut because she’s ‘popular’!” and so she trades in her books, sleeps with every guy in sight, and gets an STD. I had to turn the television off and start writing to calm down. WHAT TYPE OF BS WAS THAT?!

I am, evidently, a nerd, and I’m not trying to say that all nerds are angst-ridden because they’re not ‘popular’ (I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few proud nerds); I’m trying to say that there are not enough nerds so damn happy to be the way they are. Nerds are smart, unique, usually aware that the world does not evolve around them, and just generally AWESOME! Of course, this only applies to the nerds who aren’t stuck up about their intelligence.

I want to know why I’m yet to read a novel or watch a movie where the main character starts off saying, “I’m happy being a nerd because popularity is over rated” or something like that. Maybe I just happen to be reading the wrong novels. Maybe I need to stop writing fantasy stories and make my nerd pride dream come true. I really don’t know.

I hope people do know that it’s possible to be a well known nerd. I’m one of the biggest nerds in my school (next to my two best friends) yet I’m still fairly well known. I mingle with everyone, and I try to help anyone that will let me. I know that it’s not easy for everyone to talk to whomever. If that’s the case for you I think you should find two or three people to talk to and be happy. Simplicity is better. I’m a workaholic and a peace activist. While I love my life, I also wish I could stop and smell the roses more often. No forms of popularity are easy, and only the forms that make a difference are worth anybody’s time.

I guess teens (and people in general) are frightened by a world full of individuality. Without cliques, who would those teens with more potential than they could ever guess have to follow around? I am frightened for this world. Who the hell murdered individuality? And when did being nice become ‘lame’?

It felt so damn good to get those words out of my system. I’m happy Jazzy invited me to blog with her, and I hope that I do not become a burden to her someday (or you for that matter).

Tell me when I start to get too bitchy.

~WriterGurlLW, Admin of Writers Haven {}

Friday, August 1, 2008

Musca domestica

musca domestica. The common house fly. My arch nemesis. My mortal enemy. The root of all evil. The vermin of the insect world.

"The housefly (also house fly, house-fly or common housefly), Musca domestica, is the most common of all flies fluttering in homes, and indeed one of the most widely distributed insects; it is often considered a pest that can carry serious diseases." That is the introduction used on Truer words hath not ever been spoken, by human nor beast.

If you have not gathered it yet, from lack of schema or common sense etc, today's featured rant will be about flies. Flies. Make. Me. Want. To. Tip. Mah. Hair. Out. Forcefully. By. The. Follicles.

My house does not have air-conditioning. Good for global warming, bad for my sweat glands. So, in order to cool our house down in the summer we must keep the screen door open all day and the windows, etc. We also keep the door to the shop connected to our house open all day, as well as the door that leads from the shop to the house open. Which obviously is totally asking for it, as far as bugs getting in. But sacrifices must be made in order to cool off when you have parents for some reason adamant against getting air conditioning (*mocking high pitched squealing voice while screwing face up in disgust* "It's too expensive!"). Thus, flies flock to the inside of our house. And for some reason they ALWAYS find their way up to my room. I'll leave my door, which is normally closed, open for 5 minutes and I'll come back to my room and BOOM there will be like 5 giant nasty flies buzzing around my room obnoxiously.


So, lately, I've become fed up, obviously with good reason. So one night a fly that had been trapped in my room for the whole day and was becoming quite sluggish and slow and weary landed on the floor. I pounced at the opportunity. I quickly but stealthily snatched one of my black and white checkered vans that I had just received for my birthday a few days prior and I SLAMMED the shoe down on the fly, I moved at the speed of light. I was like fricking Chuck Norris killing those damned flies. BAM. Dead. I did a little celebratory jig. That was the start of it all. Since that fateful day, I have killed many a fly wanderer. 6 to be exact. I wait patiently until the fly's HP has been worn down to a sliver, and then I STRIKE with shoe in hand. I'm so proud of myself you don't even know..

I have since dubbed myself the FLY ASSASSIN!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be famous. I totally am. I'll be a world famous fly exterminator. I guess that's not exactly a proud title, but of course it will not be the only amazing thing on my resume. ;)

You know flies make me totally crazy, anyways. That is what I was getting to but my ADD has rendered me incapable of staying on track, as you will learn. Heh. Flies are totally scum, really. If a fly was a person I would beat them senseless with a pillowcase filled with soap bars. And then they'd lie on the floor whimpering for me to have mercy on them and I would laugh maniacally and spit on them. Then I'd slam the soap bag down on it's head and run off, still laughing hysterically. Like a damned crazy person. And I would totally and completely LOOOOOOOVE IT. Not even kidding. I would revel in torturing a poor helpless fly. You know my sister once said that flies aren't as bad as like spiders because they don't bite you or crawl into your mouth while you're sleeping or whatever, but they are covered in germs, are completely useless to the world/are not beneficial in any way (and if they DO serve some purpose, PLEASE TELL ME NOW and my opinion might change. Probably not but it'd at least give me some you know, leverage on the whole thing), carry diseases and most of all THEY BUZZ. buzzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbuzzfrickinBUZZZZZ. OMG you have no idea how psycho those vermin-insects make me. Today I killed one on my window sill and I laughed like a freaking serial killer or summat whatever. Anyways. Heh.

I can totally just picture it when they give me my movie deal for being a totally amazing Fly Assassin. I can just see it-the words FLY ASSASSIN in some really cool font zooming in and then me zooming in, posed all awesome like brandishing my weapon of choice, a checkered van or worn out converse or something. It is gonna be so totally wicked you have no idea. I'mma make millions of dollars from that movie, along with any other things that I might have as part of my big giant like corporation or whatever it's called (That's not the right word. I couldn't think of the right word- I seriously sat here trying to think of it for like 5 minutes not even kidding O_o).

Well...I pretty much am done with this lecture. You better go see my movie or I'mma hunt you down. Because I know that if it anything near as awesome as this blog, heh, then it'll be like the Titanic of the year that it comes out (that is information I cannot disclose to you because..heh well then I'd have to kill you; you don't want to pay the consequences there are for that information trust me). You know of course if they still have time for movies and all then because if civilization collapses then I guess they wouldn't have movie theatres. Or if the year ends in 2012 then that is obviously too soon. Or if Al Gore takes over the world then he'll probably take away entertainment because he'll find some indirect but terrifying way in which it contributes to global warming. Or maybe we'll succumb to global warming by then. Who knows. :) Good luck to you, as I will have a spaceship to some other galaxy that has an Earth-like planet. Heh.

Thanks for sticking around so long if you're still reading. I know it'd be hard to tear your eyes away from my amazing blog. :D

Colloquial Cameo

Brief Introduction: WriterGurlLW

This intro will not be about me or my past. I think it’s pointless for someone to spend hours telling readers what type of person they are when readers are certainly intelligent enough to figure that out on their own. The only things about me that I think are worth mentioning is the three things I value the most: writing; my website (which I will be selflessly advertising in a moment); and helping other people. Of course, I value much more....

In actuality, dedicating a paragraph to my website is very irrelevant to what I plan on discussing, but this is my first rant and being relevant is over-rated (I’m sure I’ll contradict myself sooner or later). is my baby. I spent many weeks creating it and I’m constantly updating it. It’s a place where creativity is embraced instead of shunned. Plus, I try to befriend all of my members because I am a weird person that loves everyone (including strangers and people I’m supposed to despise). Even more, I always read and rate everyone’s writing and art.

Now...enough of that. What I ‘really’ wanted to do is to let you – the wonderful being who is actually reading this – know what type of stuff I’ll be ranting about. I’m a ‘very’ opinionated person with a lot to say (I’m not an egotistical bigot though), but I don’t actually know where to start. Quite frankly, my thoughts aren’t organized enough for separate rants. That’s why I’ve decided to work off of song lyrics and quotes. I’ll post reviews, short stories, (crappy) poems, and thorough writing tips about everything (from sentence structure to genre-related clichés). I might even post some personal issues (that won’t happen often though). Don’t worry; nothing I write will be full of cursing, sex, or vivid descriptions of sick stuff.

I’ll try to have one or two new rants up every week, but if you don’t hear from me you can always read Invaderjazzy’s and Cameo’s rants. What they have to say is just as interesting (if not more interesting) than what I have to say.

Thank you for reading and don’t hesitate to come back for more! Until next time, ciao.

~WriterGurlLW, Admin of Writers Haven {}

Thursday, July 31, 2008

....Boredom eats me like cancer

I don't really know how to blog. I've never done it before; I figure I should put this out on the table right away. So I guess I'll introduce myself first and foremost. I am Jazzy's moody, anal retentive, ADD-addled punk-indie-metalhead friend/counterpart/partner-in-crime/archnemesis/bud/pimp/shoe-shiner/etc IRL who she invited to blog with her. As I mentioned beforehand, I don't really know what to write about or what to do. And because of my logical, analytical nature I need to know why I'm doing something. And, as usual, Jazzy didn't have an answer. Shocking I know. (Just teasing; sarcasm is hard to portray online). So here I am, trying to fill up space so that it looks like I'm someone interesting. *sigh* Welcome to my life. Haha. Just kidding. Kind of.

Well at the moment I have nothing to rant about. I decided I'd use the blog to rant about my daily musings, or whatever. But today is rather uneventful. :/ I'm listening to Aerosmith and wishing I had something to do... (*whispers very undiscreetly* Jazzeh help meh! lol) Okaay...

Well. I know you're totally enjoying this blog so far so I might as well talk about something interesting. Today at Barnes and Nobles, I found an encyclopedia of heavy metal, and it had a HUGE picture of Guns N' Roses, so I'm totally getting that book. My mom also owes me $20 because I won a game of Mah Jong she thought I couldn't win. Heh. *snickers*

GAH. My first blog was a dud. (Mr. Blog: *cries and whimpers* "Cameo, why, why, WHY did you butcher me?!?!") I'm sorry; please forgive me. *hangs head* I promise to be more exciting. But later.

Yours Truly,
P.S. O_o is my favorite smiley face. O_o I shall try to use it at least once in every post. Heh.